Alberta’s Newly Elected Government Looks to the U.S. for Inspiration on Labor Law Reform

“In April, Alberta elected the right-wing United Conservative Party (UCP)to a majority government, ending the one term reign of the left-of-centre New Democratic Party (NDP). The UCP ran on a platform …

Leave Scabby the Rat Alone

Will the Trump administration ever leave Scabby the Rat alone? Unlikely, Gothamist reported on Monday. The aggressive-looking rat inflatable is beloved by unions, who display it and other inflatable animals to …

The Firm Exemption and the Hierarchy of Finance in the Gig Economy

Worker-owned or controlled firms face a little-studied threat from antitrust law that typifies much broader problems with the current antitrust paradigm, namely that it favors coordination through concentrated ownership and …

Segundo Juzgado Laboral de Santiago acogió denuncia por prácticas antisindicales contra empresa de transporte aéreo deducida por sindicato de tripulantes de cabina.

El Segundo Juzgado de Letras del Trabajo de Santiago acogió una denuncia por prácticas antisindicales interpuesta por el Sindicato de Tripulantes de Cabina de la Empresa Lanexpress en contra de …

NMB Final Rule on Union Decertification Procedures

The new rule, which enters into force August 2019, would simply the procedure to decertify a union in the airline and railway industry.  Once it is determined that the showing …

New York State Senate Has Passed a Bill that Wipes Out Mandatory Arbitration in Harassment, Discrimination Cases

Last month, the New York State Senate gave the formal go-ahead to Senate Bill S6577, legislation that aims to expand harassment and discrimination laws, and once signed by Governor Andrew …

NLRB says Walmart’s firing of workers involved in union-backed strike were legal

The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that Walmart Stores Inc did not violate federal labor law by firing or disciplining dozens of employees who took part in a nationwide …

Walmart Stores, Inc. and The Organization United for Respect at Walmart (Our Walmart).

The central issue in this case is whether a May-June 2013 work stoppage, called the “Ride for Respect,” was an intermittent strike unprotected by the National Labor Relations Act. If …

CTM pega primer hit en batalla legal contra reforma laboral

La Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM) logró su primer triunfo contra la aplicación de la reforma laboral del 1 de mayo. El Juzgado de Distrito en Materias de Amparo …

Workplace Protections Don’t Reach Pregnant People Working In Private Homes, Report Finds

While New York City has adopted some of the nation’s best pregnancy and caregiver discrimination protections, a new report from the New York City Commission on Human Rights has found …