This report, a joint project of Polaris and the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), is an attempt to put legal and societal recommendations forward by compiling and sharing qualitative and …

A Quiet Trump Administration Rule Change Could Allow a Federal Union-Busting Spree

“The Trump administration has proposed a change in rules governing union membership for federal government workers that could embolden federal agencies to discourage staff from joining or remaining in their …

Op-Ed: The Sad Lesson From California, New York State, take note: Even the most pro-worker law in the country is ineffective if no one uses it

“After more than a decade of contentious debate, New York has passed a law that entitles farmworkers to basic rights that most workers take for granted — the right to earn …

Oregon: HB 2005 – Paid Family Leave

The law will come into effect January 2023. “(1) Employees experience a variety of caregiving obligations that interfere with work time. (2) It is in the public interest to create …

Brazilian mining company to pay out £86m for disaster that killed almost 300 people

“Vale also agreed to pay £150,000 to close relatives of those killed when a dam collapsed at its iron ore mine in Brumadinho.”

Fighting Wage Preemption: How Workers Have Lost Billions in Wages and How We Can Restore Local Democracy

“Local governments, like cities and counties, have long implemented local policies—including higher minimum wages—to improve economic conditions. Local efforts to raise the wage floor have seen a tremendous upsurge over …

Sen. Kamala Harris & Rep. Pramila Jayapal Introduce Bill To Protect Domestic Workers

“Sen. Kamala Harris and Rep. Pramila Jayapal have teamed up with the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) to introduce the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights in Congress. If passed, the legislation will grant domestic workers, …

BILL: Corporate Human Rights Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation Act of 2019

This Bill was introduced for discussion in the U.S. Congress on July 11, 2019

Rats have speech rights, too: Unions, protests and balloons

Outside a strip mall on Staten Island, a giant balloon rat lies deflated. I can’t imagine a less auspicious scene for the free-speech fight of the century. But it’s here …

Guthrie Theater loses NLRB case in #MeToo labor dispute

A National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) judge has ruled that the Guthrie Theater violated federal labor law in 2017 by downgrading the performance review of Molly Diers, a carpenter then working in …