Mexico plans special minimum wage for domestic workers in drive to curb abuse

MONTERREY, Mexico (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Mexico’s government is planning to introduce a specific minimum wage for its 2 million domestic workers in a drive to boost their labor rights after years of …

Les employés des foyers de soins ne peuvent toujours pas faire la grève

La Cour d’appel du Nouveau-Brunswick a rendu sa décision : le droit de grève demeure interdit aux employés des foyers de soins du Nouveau-Brunswick, confirme Simon Ouellette, responsable des communications du …

SCOTUS Weighing LGBTQ Workers’ Rights: What’s At Risk

This morning, the Supreme Court granted cert. in three cases asking whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act’s prohibition on workplace discrimination based on sex also prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ workers. The Court …

Nestle Class Action Says Chocolate Comes From Child Slave Labor

A Nestle class action lawsuit alleges that the candy company uses child slave labor to produce its chocolate, despite claims that its products are sustainably sourced. Plaintiff Renee Walker says she …

Supreme Court to take up cases on gay and transgender rights in the workplace

The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a set of high-profile cases involving gay rights and the rights of transgender people in the workplace. The justices announced Monday that …

Renee Walker v Nestlé USA

Plaintiff claims that Nestlé’s deceptive labeling misleads consumers into believing their products are procured in accordance with environmentally and socially responsible standards, when it knows they are not. Plaintiff seeks, among …

Colorado Could Be The Next State To Let Its Employees Collectively Bargain

For years, Colorado state workers have sought the right to collectively bargain. It looks like Democratic lawmakers could make that happen this legislative session — if Gov. Jared Polis goes …

Columna invitada: ¡Por fin la Reforma Laboral!

El miércoles pasado, a propósito de la reforma laboral, el portal de la revista Procesopublicó: “El PRI, en voz del dirigente sindical de la Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos (CROC), …

Mexico: Senado inicia revisión de reforma laboral

El Senado inició junto con algunas cámaras industriales la revisión de la minuta de reforma laboral votada por los diputados la semana pasada; a la reunión acudió la secretaria del …

México aprueba reforma laboral que debe facilitar ratificación del T-MEC

La Cámara de Diputados de México aprobó este jueves la reforma laboral que deberá facilitar la ratificación del tratado de libre comercio entre el país latinoamericano, Estados Unidos y Canadá …