Mexican Lawmakers Approve Pro-Labor Changes

Mexico’s lower house passed a landmark labor reform on Thursday that empowers unions to bargain more effectively on behalf of workers and clears one of the last obstacles to ratifying …

Saipan casino to pay $3M for construction worker wage claims

Court documents say a Saipan casino developer will pay $3 million to settle U.S. Department of Labor claims that construction workers weren’t paid minimum wages and overtime. A consent judgment …

Dems unveil anti-workplace harassment bill

A group of Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday unveiled a bill aimed at strengthening protections against harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Democratic Reps. Katherine Clark (Mass.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Elissa Slotkin (Mich.) …

Reforma laboral busca acabar con liderazgos sindicales eternos

A fin de cumplir con las adecuaciones exigidas en el T-MEC, la Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social de la Cámara de Diputados alista debatir el miércoles próximo el predictamen de reforma en …

Canada: Threats, crippling debt and lives lost: Human trafficking leaves foreign workers suffering in silence

It was a simple promotion on TV that led to heartbreak for Ajesh Chopra and his family. His brother said Mr. Chopra was at home in India when the ad …

Black women and Latinas paid so poorly, catching up is almost impossible

Equal Pay Day usually marks the apex of public conversation about women’s average earnings, the persistence of gender discrimination and its life-altering effects. But most of the spotlight fades away …

Labor Department to Limit Companies’ ‘Joint Employer’ Liability

The Labor Department today will roll out a proposal to shield franchisers and businesses that hire workers through staffing firms from liability for some minimum wage and overtime pay violations. …

The Rules of #MeToo

Two revelations are central to the meaning of the #MeToo movement. First, sexual harassment and assault are ubiquitous. And second, traditional legal procedures have failed to redress these problems. In …

Senadores de Morena alistan reforma para prohibir el outsourcing

El grupo de Morena en el Senado alista una iniciativa de reforma que prohíba en el país el llamado “outsourcing” o subcontratación laboral, así como establecer mecanismos que protejan a …

Sindicatos de diversas categorias barram efeitos da MP 873 na Justiça

São Paulo – Enquanto o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) não discute a constitucionalidade da Medida Provisória (MP) 873, que impede o desconto em folha da contribuição sindical, entidades representativas dos trabalhadores vêm …