Supreme Court agrees to hear California grower’s challenge to state farm labor law

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a property rights challenge to a 45-year-old California labor law that allows union organizers to go on farmland to speak with workers …

“I now pronounce you contractor”: Prop22, labour platforms and legislative doublespeak

The story goes that, during a Lent fast that must have felt very long for French king Louis XIV, his chief minister Cardinal Giulio Mazzarino decided to offer some relief …

Mexico president moves against subcontracting, aiming to end labor abuses

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Thursday said he was submitting a bill to Congress that would sharply limit companies’ ability to subcontract labor in Mexico, a practice he called …

California passes Prop 22 in a major victory for Uber and Lyft

Uber and Lyft have won a major victory in their battle to continue classifying drivers as contractors, not employees, following the passage of a ballot measure that exempts them from …

MENGIMPORT KEBEBASAN – Menggunakan Akta Tarif A.S. untuk Membanteras Masalah Buruh Paksa Dalam Rantaian Bekalan

Kini juga sedia ada dalam bahasa Melayu! Panduan kami untuk penyokong petisyen U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) untuk menyekat import ke A.S yang dicemari oleh kerjaburuhpaksa di rantaibekalan. BACA …

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Decision: Employees of the Fireworks Factory (Brazil)

The Inter-American Court declared international responsibility of Brazil in the case 12,428 “Employees of the Fireworks Factory at Santo Antonio de Jesus and their families, with respect to Brazil”. The …

The D.C. Circuit Reminds Us How Hard it Will be to Restore the Right to Organize

If Joe Biden wins the Presidential election and the Democrats win control of the Senate, then the Trump National Labor Relations Board will soon be just a bad memory.  But, …

U.S. rapped over gaps in catching slave-made imports

A drive by the United States to block illegal imports of goods made by forced labor has been hampered by a lack of skilled staff and reliable data, a government …

U.S. rapped over gaps in catching slave-made imports

A drive by the United States to block illegal imports of goods made by forced labor has been hampered by a lack of skilled staff and reliable data, a government …

AMLO enviará iniciativa para desaparecer el outsourcing

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador adelantó este martes que enviará una iniciativa de ley al Congreso, en esta ocasión para eliminar el outsourcing. “Voy a enviar una iniciativa de ley para …