Migrant workers awarded $200K by human rights tribunal

Based on O.P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd. (2015 HRTO 675), the article points out the precarious immigration status threatens the rights of migrant workers, especially the female workers, and calls …

Canada: P.T. v. Presteve Foods Ltd. (2015 HRTO 675)

Two female migrant workers – O.P.T. and M.P.T filed a claim with the tribunal against Presteve Foods Ltd. on the grounds of sexual harassment and sexual solicitations. The tribunal of …

An Analysis of the Labor Market for Uber’s Driver-Partners in the United States

This paper provides the first comprehensive analysis of Uber’s driver-partners, based on both survey data and anonymized, aggregated administrative data. Uber has grown at an exponential rate over the last …

Culture Shock: The Exploitation of J-1 Cultural Exchange Workers

This report describes how the J1 visa program in the U.S., which was originally intended as a visa for cultural exchange, is increasingly being used by employers as a source …

Article: “Brazil’s ‘dirty list’ names and shames companies involved in slave labour”

This is a newspaper article describing a Brazilian initiative against slave labor in supply chains. Since 1995, Brazil has a labor inspections program that visit sites to check workers’ conditions. …

“Brazil’s ‘dirty list’ names and shames companies involved in slave labour”

This is a newspaper article describing a Brazilian initiative against slave labor in supply chains. Since 1995, Brazil has a labor inspections program that visits sites to check workers’ conditions. …

Canada: Monrose v. Double Diamond Acres Limited (2013 HRTO 1273)

Not only did the tribunal award damages for the worker’s lost wages, but also non-pecuniary damages for the worker’s loss of dignity, feelings and self-respect for discriminatory treatment he experienced …

Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum

Background: Nigerian nationals residing in United States sued Dutch, British, and Nigerian corporations pursuant to Alien Tort Statute (ATS), alleging that corporations aided and abetted Nigerian government in committing violations …

Taken for a Ride Migrant Workers in the U.S. Fair and Carnival Industry

Based on interviews with H-2B workers in Maryland, Virginia, and Mexico, this 2013 report discusses the abuses that fair and carnival workers face: deceptive recruitment practices and high pre-employment fees and costs; …

The American Dream Up for Sale: A Blueprint for Ending International Labor Recruitment Abuse

A Blueprint for Ending International Labor Recruitment Abuse, the 2013 report details eight core principles that should be used to draft work visa programs that prevent recruitment fraud: Freedom from …