France: An “Index for Gender Equality” provides for data in private companies

This article explains the “index for gender equality”, a tool put in place as a result of Law No. 2018-771 enacted on September 5, 2018.  This index needs to be …

A Just and Fair Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities

“With ten recommendations, this report provides advice on what we could include in a just transition plan for coal workers and communities. It also: provides a background and overview of …

France: Guide against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace from Labor Agency “Direction Générale du Travail”

Recognized as Great National Cause, gender inequality needs to be fought with concrete actions.  This guide provides for mandatory information to be provided to employees including how to bring a …

Ежегодный доклад Комитета экспертов МОТ о применении конвенций и рекомендаций за 2019 год

    Английский:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_670146.pdf Испанский:— ed_norm / —relconf / documents / meetingdocument / wcms_670148.pdf Французский:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_670150.pdf

M. David v Take Eat Easy ECLI:FR:CCASS:2018:SO01737

Contrairement à la cour d’appel, les juges considèrent que le lien de subordination entre la plateforme et le coursier est dès lors avéré, puisque ce dernier est contrôlé par un …

French law addressing gender equality and discrimination on the basis of disabilities 09/25/2018

The latest French law addressing gender equality and discrimination on the basis of disabilities was enacted on September 5, 2018: Law No. 2018-771 “loi pour la liberté de choisir son …


The rapid growth of the platform economy in Europe has triggered much discussion about the future of employment rights. This report focuses on a particularly important subset of issues raised …

Paid domestic work and the struggles of care workers in Latin America

The authors compare the working conditions of domestic workers in Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico.

France: Cour de Cassation, Chambre Sociale, November 15, 2017, 16-14.281

Procedure explanation: Highest Court in Labor Law Matters. All other courts must follow its ruling. An employee having been terminated on the ground of his age has been discriminated.  Under …

LOI n° 2017-399 du 27 mars 2017 relative au devoir de vigilance des sociétés mères et des entreprises donneuses d’ordre

La loi française sur le devoir de vigilance des entreprises impose l’obligation légale d’identifier et de prévenir les impacts négatifs sur les droits de l’homme et l’environnement résultant de leurs …