Domnica Petersen v. Berufungsausschuss für Zahnärzte für den Bezirk Westfalen-Lippe (January 12, 2010)

Domnica Petersen v. Berufungsausschuss für Zahnärzte für den Bezirk Westfalen-Lippe (January 12, 2010) – European Court of Justice Germany had implemented a maximum age of 68 for panel dentists (essentially …

Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia

The applicant was the father of a young woman who died in Cyprus where she had gone to work in March 2001. He complained that the Cypriot police had not …

United Kingdom: Ladele v London Borough of Islington, 2009   

This case concerns the connection between religious beliefs and discrimination based on sexual orientation.  Here, the claimant refused to officiate civil partnership based on her religious beliefs. The Court decided …

Центры для мигрантов в Сенегале и Мавритании

В докладе показана передовая практика защиты трудящихся-мигрантов в Мавритании и Сенегале. МКП помогает Мавритании построить центр для мигрантов в Нуакшоте для оказания помощи сенегальцам…

United Kingdom: Nicholson v Grainger plc, 2010  

  This case explains discrimination with respect to philosophical beliefs held by employees.  The Court held an employee’s philosophical beliefs are protected – and therefore are a belief – provided …

United Kingdom: Ministry of Defence v DeBique, 2010

  This case is about an Army claimant who had given birth and alleged sex and race discrimination.  She claimed that she suffered indirect discrimination because she had to care …

United Kingdom: Eagle Place Services Ltd & Ors v Rudd, 2009

This case concerns disability discrimination.  The claimant was disabled but had worked for a law firm with accommodations and adjustments before he was dismissed.  The Court held that the employer …

Кая и Сейхан против Турции

Это дело касалось учителей, дисциплинированных за участие в общенациональной забастовке, организованной их профсоюзом. Суд постановил, что имело место нарушение статьи 11 ...

“The diversity and politics of trade unions’ responses to minority ethnic and migrant workers: The context of the UK”

Research Article Abstract Posted in Front of Paywall: “The article first argues that there is a range of approaches and models developed in relation to the question of representing ethnic …

Энерджи Япи-Йол Сен против Турции

Это дело касалось дисциплинарных мер, принятых против работников государственного сектора, которые участвовали в однодневной национальной забастовке за признание их права на коллективный договор. Суд постановил ...