Improving Paths to Accountability for Human Rights Abuses in the Global Supply Chains – A Legal Guide

Looking beyond the ‘arm’s length transaction’ between certain contractual parties in a special relationship, the purpose of this guidance is to identify paths to accountability for human rights abuses in …

Improving Paths to Business Accountability for Human Rights Abuses in the Global Supply Chains: A Legal Guide (Dec. 2010)

This guide sets forth a basic primer for pursuing corporate supply chain accountability from a litigation standpoint (in the common law British judicial system). The piece first sets forth the …

Door Still Open? Canada As Safe Harbour For Multinational Human Rights Litigation (Nov. 13, 2017)

The article describes the “growing wave of significant lawsuits in Canada against corporations for alleged international labour and human rights violations in their overseas operations or supply chains” and notes …

International Arbitration of Business and Human Rights Disputes: Questions and Answers

The authors here present FAQs regarding the role of arbitration in international corporate human rights abuses, particularly as “civil and criminal courts in many parts of the world are often …

The Future of Business and Human Rights: More Regulation

The article explores “recent and proposed legislation that is intended to plug some of the gaps between international ‘soft law’ requirements and perceived market shortcomings.” The article tracks current and …


Эта статья описывает Калифорнийский закон о прозрачности в цепочках поставок (CTSCA) - как процедурное, а не материальное законодательство - и указывает на его недостатки в отношении корпоративной ответственности. Далее следует, что…

Litigation, business and human rights: if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu

The article sets forth and explains the UN Guiding Principles and their “cross-sectoral implications.” To this end, it analyzes suggested UK legislation and EU directives both stemming from the UNGPs. …

Labor & Employment Law Strategic Global Topics: Summer 2017 – Religion in Workplace

This report by EY Labor and Employment Law provides brief overviews of how religious freedom in interplays with rights of the employer in their workplace in 24 countries.$FILE/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition.pdf

Presentation: 39 Essex Chambers Business and Human Rights Seminar

This is a compilation of presentations from an Essex Chambers; of primary applicability is the second by Justine Thornton (“Environmental Litigation Against Companies”). She discusses English Courts’ jurisdiction, recent litigation, …

Supply Chain Traceability And Transparency: Shifting Industry Norms, Emerging Regulations, and Greater Interest from Civil Society

The FLA’s report introduces the necessity of supply chain management, provides various international statutory and regulatory frameworks, addresses the different stakeholders (i.e., civil society, NGOs, government agencies), and sets forth …