Разоблачение кражи заработной платы без страха: государства должны защищать работников от мести


Debate Over Uber and Lyft Drivers’ Rights in California Has Split Labor

California’s labor movement recently seemed on the verge of a new era for worker rights. A state court ruled that workers in the gig economy should have many of the …

Justices to Review How Federal Workers Prove Job Bias Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court accepted June 28 a petition asking for clarification on what federal government workers must prove when they file discrimination claims. The main question for the court …

XV Encuentro Latinoamericano Abodagos Laboralistas de Trabajadores и Trabajadoras

Кали, Колумбийский университет Либре - Кали

14–16 ноября 2019 г.

Иск о принудительном труде против Imperial Pacific прогрессирует

Развитие Mperial Pacific Императорского дворца на Сайпане в Содружестве Северных Марианских островов (CNMI) столкнулось с множеством проблем, включая задержки и судебные процессы. Один из тех судебных процессов ...

Lawsuit claims Grand America Hotel exploited immigrants

A lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the luxury Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City of luring workers from the Philippines to a program that promised training and cultural immersion but …


Федеральный окружной суд на Сайпане вынес решение, разрешившее рассмотрение исков о принудительном труде и торговле людьми семи китайских строителей. Дело, Ван и соавт. против золота ...

The Double Standard of Antitrust Law

Antitrust law, established originally to limit corporate power, has become its friend. Think about the following anomalies: • If a group of independent truck drivers forms an association to jointly bargain …

Arranca la oleada de amparos contra la reforma laboral

Al juzgado Séptimo de Distrito en Materia Laboral han llegado las primeras 8 solicitudes de amparo promovidas por organizaciones sindicales, vinculadas con la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM), que buscan evitar, entre …

Treat workers as employees? Uber, Lyft and others are scrambling for a compromise

Faced with a looming threat to their way of doing business, Uber, Lyft and other major on-demand companies are trying something they’ve historically been reluctant to do: seeking compromise.  Anxious …