Canada: George v. 1735475 Ontario Limited (2017 HRTO 761)

The tribunal found that the applicant’s race and color was one of the reasons, for which the employer decide to terminate the employment, and the applicant was subjected to a …

Tahoe Resources lawsuit (re Guatemala)

Facts: On 18 June 2014, seven Guatemalan men filed a lawsuit in Canada against Tahoe Resources seeking damages for injuries allegedly suffered during a shooting outside the company’s Escobal silver …

Canada: Trinh v. CS Wind Canada Inc. (2017 HRTO 755)

The tribunal found that the applicant had suffered harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender and place of origin during her employment, and the applicant was subjected to poisoned …

An international guide to employment law across 28 countries

This 140 page guide (updated in 2017) covers much of Europe, the Middle East/North Africa, APAC, and the Americas.  There are a few pages on every country and within each …

OECD Case: Society for Threatened Peoples vs. Credit Suisse

NCPs involved: Switzerland NCP (lead), United States NCP COUNTRY OF OPERATIONS: United States DATE: 24 April 2017 STATUS: Pending ISSUES: The complaint alleges that Credit Suisse has breached both its …

U.S. Workers Need Not Apply: Challenging Low-Wage Guest Worker Programs

Stanford Law & Policy Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2017  Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2016-44 The article argues that guestworker programs are harmful to all workers because …

Special protection for the working mother in the labor legislation and in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. A necessary but insufficient model of protection?

Title in Spanish: “La protección especial a la madre trabajadora en la legislacion laboral y en la jurisprudencia del TC ¿Un modelo de protección necesaria, pero insuficiente?” The Spanish language article …


Жалоба, поданная в федеральный окружной суд с просьбой отменить муниципальный указ Сиэтла, позволяющий водителям, работающим в сфере проката транспортных средств, выбирать представителя и вести переговоры о заработной плате с…

Doe v. Nestle USA, Inc.

Plaintiffs were former child slaves forced to harvest cocoa in the Ivory Coast. They filed claims under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) against defendants Nestle USA, Inc., Archer Daniels Midland …

Межамериканская защита свободы ассоциации и стабильности труда: дело Лагос-дель-Кампо против Перу

Название на испанском языке: «Протекционистский интеримериана де ла либертад синдикаль и де ла ла торали: Эль Касо Лагос дель Кампо против Перу Случай, обсуждаемый в настоящей статье,…