Женщины-мигранты в Экономическом сообществе АСЕАН

Это углубленное исследование, в котором рассматриваются тенденции мобильности рабочей силы среди женщин-мигрантов из стран АСЕАН, доступ к рынкам труда и результаты на них, вклад в экономику стран АСЕАН и быстрорастущих секторов, а также проблемы…

Обеспечение доступа к правосудию: взгляд ОГО на проблемы реализации прав южноазиатских мигрантов на Ближнем Востоке

В 2015-2016 годах Международный секретариат GAATW реализовал проект под названием «Проект доступа к правосудию в Южной Азии и Ближнем Востоке» (SAME A2J Project) в рамках более широкой инициативы «Решение проблемы…

Thailand report on migrant workers forming unions (bilingual)

In Thailand, where migrant workers are not covered by the nation’s labor laws, a new report argues that by including migrant workers in Thai labor laws and allowing them the …

Transnationalizing Unions: The Case of the UAW and the IG Metall

This case study documents the Transnational Partnership Initiative between the United Auto Workers union in the United States and the IG Metall union in Germany. The two unions joined efforts …

A Comparative analysis of non-discrimination law in Europe

This report commissioned by the EU covers the 28 EU member states as well as some additional countries in the region (e.g., Turkey and Iceland).  The first 60 pages provide …

“The labor market consequences of maternity leave policies: evidence from Brazil”

This article examines the labor market consequences of paid maternity leave for women who participate in the Brazilian formal labor market (and thus qualify for the leave policy). Based on …

A Comparative analysis of non-discrimination law in Europe

This report by European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination (Commissioned by the EU) covers the 28 EU member states as well as some additional countries in the …

King IV Report on Corporate Governance

Provides recommendations for corporate governance and sets forth a reporting regime wherein organizations must provide financial and nonfinancial information; while the Code is voluntary, “because it has been adopted as …

French Case Report: Lafarge operations in Syria 2013-14

A French Criminal complaint was brought in Paris against Lafarge, which operated in Syria in 2013-14.  Sherpa and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights brought a case on …

Mongolia policy brief: Freedom of Association and Collective bargaining

This policy brief examines law and practice in Mongolia in light of international labour standards relating to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Mongolia ratified both the Freedom of Association …