Australia: Willing to Work- National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability – 2016

This is a report concerning the trend of discrimination of elderly Australian workers and Australian workers with disabilities. This report maintains that the right to work is a human right …

Review of labor migration policy in Malaysia

During the last few years, an increasing number of reports have documented serious labor rights abuses against migrant workers in Malaysia, including cases of forced labor and human trafficking. Responding …

Рост «точно в срок рабочей силы»: работа по требованию, массовая работа и охрана труда в «гиг-экономике»

В последние годы так называемая «гигантская экономика» экспоненциально росла по количеству и значимости, но ее влияние на трудовые права в значительной степени игнорировалось. Формы работы в «гиг-экономике»…

Self-Care & Health Care: How Migrant Women in the Greater Mekong Sub Region Take Care of their Health

With the support of the United Nations Development Program, MMN project partners in all countries of the GMS interviewed 114 migrant women to find out how women take care of …

Women’s Labor Migration from Asia and the Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges

This report by MPI and the International Organization for Migration examines the factors impacting women migrants in the Asia-Pacific region and details key policy challenges faced by women migrants in the …

Global Labor Recruitment in Supply Chain Context

The paper examines the market structure of international labour recruitment, how it works and why regulations fail. It then argues for a joint liability approach to regulating recruitment, examining government led approaches in …

Женщины-мигранты в АСЕАН

В этом кратком обзоре рассматриваются миграционные политики АСЕАН и их конкретное влияние на женщин-мигрантов. Авторы дают рекомендации о том, как обеспечить лучшую защиту и способность трудящихся женщин-мигрантов…

Labor Exploitation, Trafficking and Migrant Health: Multi-country Findings on the Health Risks and Consequences of Migrant and Trafficked Workers

There are an estimated 232 million international migrants and 740 million internal migrants worldwide, most of whom are in search of work. Global assessments also suggest that a substantial proportion …

Policy on Labor Migration for Cambodia

This Policy builds on the previous Policy on Labor Migration for Cambodia 2010-2015, expanding on the three main objectives of (1) formulation and implementation of rights-based and gender- sensitive policy …

Turning a Blind Eye?: Respecting Human Rights in Government Purchasing

This report examines the role of U.S. government supply chains—and their emphasis of low-bid, high-scale competition—in the commission of human rights abuses. With this report, the authors examine the agency …