From Morocco and Tunisia to Belgium via Italy: migration and posting of third country nationals (Regional Case Study)

“Over the last fifteen years Belgium has been one of the main destinations for posted workers, together with Germany and France. This growth has been absorbed particularly by the construction …

Lockdown Woes: The Dismal State of Domestic Workers in India

This article specifically focusses on the harassment and violence faced by live-in female domestic workers during the lockdown brought about in India due to Covid- 19. “Live-in workers” have been …

May Day 2020: COVID Pandemic Places Spotlight on Seven Glaring Labour Rights Issues (India)

The article addresses the effects of the national lockdown on workers and the related issues prevalent in India related to labor rights as on 2020 May day. The article specifically …

Regulation and the future of work: The employment relationship as an innovation facilitator

Digital transformation and the reorganization of the firm have given rise to new forms of work that diverge significantly from the standard employment relationship. Advocates of digital disruption suggest that …

Harnessing Public Institutions for Labour Law Enforcement

The paper explores how to integrate a Transnational Labour Inspectorate (‘TLI’) dealing with transnational private instruments of Multinational Enterprises (‘MNEs’) into the International Labour Organization (‘ILO’). After exploring monitoring initiatives …

India’s Liberalisation Project and the Future of Trade Union

This research discusses in detail the failings of the “labor market reform” project in India or the liberalization project of the 1990s. Surveys conducted with the garment workers in the …

Ковид-19 и трудовое право. Глобальный обзор

«Этот специальный выпуск электронного журнала итальянского законодательства о труде призван обеспечить систематический и информативный обзор мер, изложенных законодателями и / или социальными партнерами в ряде…

Misclassified Information

Ramirez is a member of the so-called “gig economy,” a phrase that conjures Silicon Valley-tinted visions of Uber drivers and TaskRabbits but really describes a wide range of workers spilling …

An economic analysis of interstate migrant construction workers in Kannur District in Kerala

This paper studies the reason that forces the migration of construction workers to Kannur in Kerala, the socio-economic challenges they face, and the interventions that the government can make to …

Who’s Responsible Here? Establishing Legal Responsibility in the Fissured Workplace

“The nature of work is changing, with workers enduring increasingly precarious working conditions without any safety net. In response, this Article proposes a new “Concentric Circle framework” which would improve …