Impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers in Lebanon and what employers can do about it

“In Lebanon, the health emergency relating to COVID-19 is aggravating the broader socioeconomic crisis and policymakers are under pressure to deliver a comprehensive response to both crises in a timely …

India: Extension of Lockdown in various states

Considering the increase in the number of cases of COVID-19, the Governments of Maharashtra and Telangana have decided to extend the lockdown from April 14 to April 30, 2020 and …

India: Consolidated Revised Guidelines regarding nationwide lockdown

With the ever-increasing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic in India, the Prime Minister of India on April 14, 2020 announced an extension of the nationwide lockdown order till May 3, …

UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Statement on COVID-19

“The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to overwhelm public health care systems, and is having devastating impacts across the world on all spheres of life – the economy, social security, education …

World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2020

“The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® 2020 is the latest report in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of …

ILO Monitor 2nd edition: COVID-19 and the world of work Updated estimates and analysis

ILO’s updated analysis and estimates regarding the situation of workers worldwide as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic closures.

ETUC Briefing Note: Human Rights & COVID-19

This briefing note by the ETUC focuses on the human rights and workers’ rights impacts from the laws, policies, and measures that countries are taking, in particular by ‘declaring states …


“Ce communiqué est publié après consultation avec Business Africa pour les Employeurs, OATUU et ITUC-Africa pour les travailleurs, dans le cadre de la pandémie COVID-19 sur le lieu de travail. …


“This communique is issued following consultation with Business Africa for Employers, OATUU and ITUC-Africa for Workers, in the COVID-19 Pandemic at workplace. It aims to provide useful information for employers …

How the U.S. National Labor Rights Act Protects Workers’ Refusal to Work in Unsafe Conditions

This brief outline provides an overview of how the U.S. National Labor Rights Act (NLRA) protects workers who refuse to work in unsafe conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has lead to …