Digital labour platforms and the future of work Towards decent work in the online world

One of the major transformations in the world of work over the past decade has been the emergence of online digital labour platforms. This new form of work has not …

Indonesia: A Country Grappling with Migrant Protection at Home and Abroad

Indonesia, the world’s fourth-largest country, has for decades been a major origin for labor migration, with its workers fanning out to locations in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Home to a …


The rapid growth of the platform economy in Europe has triggered much discussion about the future of employment rights. This report focuses on a particularly important subset of issues raised …

Pathways to Formalization: Going Beyond the Formality Dichotomy – The Case of Peru

The following research states that formalization has many facets and shades on the business and labor fronts, and firms may not be able or willing to formalize all at once. …

Engendering Exploitation: Gender Inequality in US Labor Migration Programs

A 2018 policy brief that highlights how gender bias and discrimination are deeply entrenched in the temporary labor migration programs. The reports interviews temporary women workers who describe how employers …

She Works Hard for the Money: Tacking low pay in sectors dominated by women

“LOW PAY IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE This study provides data confirming that workers in lower-skilled health and social care assistant positions earn considerably less than the national average wage …

INFORMAL TRADE IN SOUTH AFRICA Legislation, Case Law and Recommendations for Local Government

“South Africa faces a number of developmental challenges, including high levels of unemployment, poverty and accelerated rates of rural-urban migration. Informal trade has an important role to play in addressing …

New research highlights persistent inequality, violence and discrimination faced by LGBTI people in Thailand

This article concluded about the content discussed in the two-day national dialogue, (21-22 June) organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Being LGBTI in Asia programme. It …

Agents of Change? Assessing Hong Kong employment agencies’ compliance with the Code of Practice

The new report is based on interviews with 452 migrant domestic workers between July 2017 and March 2018. It shows that the Hong Kong government’s Code of Practice for Employment …

China: Amazon Profits from Secretly Oppressing Its Supplier’s Workers, An Investigative Report on Hengyang Foxconn

A NGO, China Labor Watch, investigate Foxconn’s factory in Henyang, China and made this report. It showed that this factory violated PRC Employment Law and impaired workers’ rights. (1) Dispatching …